In late December 2010, I got into a physical altercation with one of my FB/Internet stalkers.
He and his girlfriend had the audacity to actually move into an empty apartment next to me!
They used to call the police on me DAILY with whatever complaint they could think of to say on any given day. I just went with it until I could move.....
But before I was financially able to do that, one day I had just had enough. SO I went to the police after an incident where the girlfriend broke our door. I filled out a report and an officer went to the apartment to talk to them.
So HE starts yelling at me accusing me of all the usual BS that I have been dealing with for far too long now.
OK, I can handle it UNTIL he starts calling my recently deceased (12 days) Father names and just really raking him over the coals. So YES, I lunged at him and got arrested for it.
The charge was Disorderly Conduct with tumultuous behavior. The officer I-bonded me that night.
Accurate, actually. And I would do it again to the next person who dares talk about my Father that way.
When I went to court the charge was dropped, I spoke to the prosecutor and after telling him what happened, he agreed it was a waste of time to pursue. I was relieved to say the least!
In 2007, my son and I were victims of a home invasion. 3 people forced their way into our home.
I was injured with a bruised chest wall, and a few misc things, and my son ended up stabbing one of them 3 times putting him in the hospital. He thought he was going to go to jail, but the officers told him that under the circumstances my son could have killed the guy and nothing would have been done to him. Relief. :)The reason I mention these things is that my "fan club", if you will, has been spreading the word on all of this and telling people that my son and I invaded someone elses home. When in actuality WE were the victims.A big thank you to our neighbors and friends for all of their help that evening...
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