Sunday, June 15, 2014


Please visit:


This is where you’ll see what happened to my family and myself on April 16, 2010….
You’ll also learn more about me, along with my family on a personal level as well.
You will also learn about my accusers…the main players, or the “motley crew” as I like to call them.
You’ll see what kind of people they really are.
I’ll detail for you some things that they have done to others, not just to myself and my family.
I’ll also delve into the legal issues and how the court system screwed me, with lies and also by violating my constitutional & civil rights.
Over and over and over again.
And how is that a COP can get away with this, with just a measly demotion?
He should have been fired! I was not the only one he had harassed.
There were other complaints against him within the department as well. So again, I ask WHY?
You’ll see how, why and who was responsible for us losing our home/house.
I’ll also detail for you why my Father is dead due to this legal injustice….all because of a select few individuals on Facebook said this is what should happen.
You’ll see photos of my dogs, and by seeing them you’ll realize the lies that were told about the dogs, and the way they were “supposedly” treated.
In April 2010 I was falsely accused of being an animal abuser by an ex-friend.
~She then contacted a cop who had a personal vendetta against me….
~They both worked hard to ruin my life, and the lives of my family…you will see how.
~You will see what brought it on, and by whom it was started and why with details.